SFB Kick-off

Hotel Payerbacherhof, Reichenau an der Rax

Date: September 22 - 25, 2024

This event will mark our first gathering and is a key moment that will bring our team together. We will seek clarification of our goals, direction and expectations. The event will compromise scientific talks from the PostDoc team members and two mini-courses. There will also be plenty of time for discussions.

The program will start on Monday, September 23 in the morning and finish on Wednesday, 25 September in the afternoon. Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, September 22 and stay until the program finishes on Wednesday afternoon.

This event is for PIs and project members of the SFB only! 

Fotos Kickoff Event

This event is supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF under grant 10.55776/F1002.