Preprints 2025
- Superdiffusive Central Limit Theorem for the Stochastic Burgers Equation at the critical dimension
Giuseppe Cannizzaro, Quentin Moulard, Fabio Toninelli
arXiv:2501.00344 (associated to Project 9)
Preprints 2024
- Convergence of dynamical stationary fluctuations.
Cyril Labbé, Benoît Laslier, Fabio Toninelli, Lorenzo Zambotti
arXiv:2404.18803 (associated to Project 9) - Conformally invariant boundary arcs in double dimers.
Marcin Lis, Lucas Rey, Kieran Ryan
arXiv:2409.18015 (associated to Project 7) - Zeros of planar Ising models via flat SU(2) connections.
Marcin Lis
arXiv:2409.19639 (associated to Project 7) - Bootstrap percolation on the high dimensional Hamming graph.
Mihyun Kang, Michael Missethan, Dominik Schmid
arXiv:2406.13341 (associated to Project 5) - Universal behaviour of majority bootstrap percolation on high-dimensional geometric graphs.
Mauricio Collares, Joshua Erde, Anna Geisler, Mihyun Kang
arXiv:2406.17486 (associated to Project 5) - Large matchings and nearly spanning, nearly regular subgraphs of random subgraphs.
Sahar Diskin, Joshua Erde, Mihyun Kang, and Michael Krivelevich
arXiv:2407.16458 (associated to Project 5) - Multiple Rogers-Ramanujan type identities for torus links.
Shane Chern
arXiv:2411.07198 (associated to Project 6) - A generalization of conjugation of integer partitions
Seamus Albion, Theresia Eisenkölbl, Ilse Fischer, Moritz Grangl, Hans Höngesberg, Christian Krattenthaler, Martin Rubey
arXiv:2407.16043 (associated to Project 4 and 6) - Near-critical dimers and massive SLE
Nathanael Berestycki, Levi Haunschmid-Sibitz
arXiv:2203.15717 (associated to Project 2)