SFB Winter Status Workshop 2025
SkyLounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
Date: January 8 - 10, 2025
This event will kickoff with two talks by Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES) on Wednesday 8th January in the afternoon. The 9th and 10th January will feature mini-courses by Mihyun Kang and Marcin Lis. The afternoons are reserved for discussions.
Minicourse - Mihyun Kang
Phase transitions in random planar graphs
Abstract: In this talk we begin with a brief overview of classical results on phase transitions in Erdos-Renyi random graphs and continue with more recent results on random planar graphs. We will discuss how the planarity constraint imposed on a random graph affects its global and local structure, such as the component structure, the maximum degree and Benjamini-Schramm local weak limit.
Minicourse - Marcin Lis
Random currents and dimers
Abstract: I will define the double random current representation of the Ising modeland present some of its important applications based on the switching lemma. Afterwards, in the case when the underlying graph is planar, I will talk about a measure preserving map between double random currents and dimers, and will mention several of its consequences.
This event is supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF under grant 10.55776/F1002.